Oct 10 : Catholic Sabha Moodbidri Deanery in association with Catholic Sabha Taccode Unit hosted Grand 'Kreedotsav 2019' for the deanery parishioners on October 8, 2019 at Swaraj Maidan Moodbidri.

Moodbidri Deanery Dean V. Rev. Fr Paul Sequeira inaugurated the event in the morning. Fr Paul in his message congratulated Catholic Sabha members for hosting the mega event and for uniting people through this. He wished all success to the event.

Catholic Sabha Moodbidri Deanery President Victor Kadandale presided over the inaugural programme. Mr Paul Rolphi DCosta Catholic Sabha Central President , Mr Vincent Coutinho Anupama Feeds & Farms Moodbidri, Fr Santhosh Rodrigues, Fr Rakesh Mathias, Mr Wilson DSouza Catholic Sabha Moodbidri Deanery Secretary, Mr Rajesh Mendes Deanery Sports Convener , Mr Roshan Pereira President and Mr Francis Mendonca Secretary Parish Pastoral Council Taccode, Mr Rohith Cardoza President and Mr Remegius Sequeira Secretary Catholic Sabha Taccode Unit were the dignitaries of the inaugural program.

Victor Kadandale in his presidential address requested the co-operation of all in smooth conducting of the event. Rohith Cardoza welcomed the gathering, Wilson Pinto delivered vote of thanks and Mark Pinto compered the inaugural program.

All the parish units eagerly participated in various sports events. Parish Priests of various deanery parishes visited the event throughout the day.

The valedictory program was held in the evening where Catholic Sabha Moodbidri Deanery President Victor Kadandale presided over program. Mr Paul Rolphi DCosta Catholic Sabha Central President , Mr Lancy DCunha President AICU, Mr Gerald Jude DSilva Vice-president MCC Bank, Mr Anil Mendonca International Body Builder , Mr Wilson DSouza Catholic Sabha Moodbidri Deanery Secretary, Mr Rajesh Mendes Deanery Sports Convener , Mr Praveen Sequeira Deanery Sports Co-Convener, Avil DSouza & Sunil Miranda Deanery Sports Co-ordinators, Mr Rohith Cardoza President and Mr Remegius Sequeira Secretary Catholic Sabha Taccode Unit were the dignitaries of the valedictory program.

5 sports-persons who have brought laurels to the Deanery by participating in national events were honoured. They are Anil Mendonca Gantalkatte, Amar Sunil Lobo Hospet, Prajwal DSouza Paladka, Praful DSouza Paladka & Joel Anush Cardoza Alangar.

Prizes were distributed to the winners by the guests and dignitaries. Taccode Unit bagged Overall Championship Trophy and Alangar were the runners.

Rajesh Mendes welcomed the gathering, Wilson DSouza delivered vote of thanks and Avil DSouza compered the valedictory program.

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