Photos : Stanly Bantwal
Nov 13 : Catholic Sabha Mangalore Pradesh® organisesd a programme on November 10, 2019 at the hall of the Bishop’s House, Mangaluru. A talk on ‘The Constitution Of India’ was delivered on the day by the resource persons , Episcopal City deanery Dean V. Rev. Fr. J. B. Crasta, and Mr. Stevan Quadros.
V. Rev. Fr J. B. Crasta, V. Rev. Fr. Mathew Vas the Spiritual Director, President Paul Rolphy D’Costa, General Secretary Naveen Braggs, Treasurer Joachim Dsouza of the Central Committee of Catholic Sabha were on the dais. V. Rev. Fr. Mathew Vas conveyed his message.
The president Rolphy DCosta welcomed the gathering and the general secretary Naveen Braggs proposed the vote of thanks.